Haunting from the “walking” statues at at Japan village, they like looking in front of your eyes

Lumia Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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“They look so real. It’s like someone turned people into stone,“ one person commented on the statues.
Haunting from the “walking” statues at at Japan village, they like looking in front of your eyes
Hundreds of statues line up at Fureai Sekibutsu no Sato

The statues lined up, staring at visitors are more than gruesome enough for the average person, but a brave photographer stayed and took these "grilling" photos. Here, it feels as if all the statues are watching your every move.

Hundreds of stone sculptures are located in a village near Osawano, Japan. Known as "Fureai Sekibutsu no Sato", the name of the village means "where you can meet Buddha statues".

There are more than 800 statues gazing at visitors, several Buddhist statues and many other genre statues.

Hundreds of stone sculptures located in a village near Osawano, Japan

Photographer Ken Ohki, better known as Yukison, has shared images of the village on his blog.

"I found this wonderful place in Toyama prefecture. I feel like I’ve accidentally entered a restricted area. Amazing," he wrote.

He added that the village was built as a "popular tourist destination" where people could come to relax. And it was completed with a bus stop outside.

"I feel like I’m entering another world," the photographer wrote.

Here, it feels as if all the statues are watching your every move

The creator of this village, Mr. Mutsuo Furukawa, wanted to keep all these statues with him for the rest of his life. He spent 6 billion yen, about 1.3 trillion dong, to buy them from a Chinese sculptor in 1989.

He then hurriedly left the area for unknown reasons, according to the photographer.

One commenter commented on the village: "I think it’s cool but not scary at all." Another said: "They look so real. It’s like someone turned people to stone."

The village was built as a "popular tourist destination" where people can come to relax

The creator of this village, Mr. Mutsuo Furukawa, left for unknown reasons

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