Fall in love with Russian winter in a snow cloak

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The capital of Moscow (Russia) has just received a heavy snowfall, creating an extremely interesting natural scene. After one night, everything and trees seemed to put on a white, pure snow cloak.
Fall in love with Russian winter in a snow cloak
Many people feel surprised when Moscow suddenly put on a thick snow cloak. Seen from above, the snow-covered trees cover a school

The whole park is lit up with pure white

The bright red rowan berries covered with snow are like small bells, creating the typical beauty of Russian winter.

The famous apple garden in Kolomenskoe park - a favorite destination in Moscow. The Russians consider this to be just a "little winter"-just beginning!.

Snow falls a lot, but the wind is calm, so it accumulates quite a lot on the trees, a rare natural phenomenon in winter. So many people want to capture this beautiful moment.

Flock of pigeons foraging in a peaceful setting.

The old church in the park is more majestic and quiet.

The branches are covered with snow by the path, creating the feeling of being lost in a fairy tale.

The hot drink shop in the park has a "snow" roof.

Outdoor skating rink, this is one of the favorite sports of Russian people in winter.

The atmosphere to welcome New Year and Christmas was bustling everywhere. Russian people often think that welcoming the New Year must have snow in the right scene, just like Vietnamese people, welcoming the New Year must have spring rain.

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