Traces of prehistoric civilizations: electronic chips found in 250 million years old fossil site in Labinsk, Russia

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A strange artifact found in an ancient stone slab at Labinsk, Russia baffles scientists. It makes people start to question themselves: so what civilization do we belong to? Aren’t we the most advanced civilized humans?
Traces of prehistoric civilizations: electronic chips found in 250 million years old fossil site in Labinsk, Russia
Electronic chip fossils 250 million years old, so which civilization do we belong to?

The researchers speculated that it could be a fossil of an electronic chip. This discovery is an important step in confirming prehistoric advanced civilizations. But like so many other sho‌cking discoveries, it often scares many scientists who believe in the theory of evolution and tries to avoid and hide information, like many other discoveries...

A fisherman named Viktor Morozov said he found this artifact and donated it to Nowoczerkaskie university. So far, that "electronic chip" has remained in the fossil, not removed because scientists fear it could be damaged if removed from the fossil.

This fossil is between 225 and 250 million years old. But when and under what circumstances this chip will appear there, at that time, is a headache for scientists. Whether the chip is made from organic materials that people find in near the fossil site? These questions are currently unanswered.

The important question is, if it really is a man-made artifact, who invented it 250 million years ago? Does it belong to an old technology of an advanced civilization that once existed on earth?

Both theories are possible. Because up to now, scientists have also announced planets that are "habitable" in our blue alien universe as well as discovered a lot of traces of these planets. Super advanced civilization used to exist on our blue planet in prehistoric times.

Both theories are possible. Because up to now, scientists have also announced planets that are "habitable" in our blue alien universe as well as discovered a lot of traces of these planets. Super advanced civilization used to exist on our blue planet in prehistoric times.

Evidence of "aliens" who visited our earth and communicated with people on earth in prehistoric times is also available. They already have spaceships, have advanced enough technology to create these electronic chips since 250 million years ago….

So, what civilization do we belong to? Aren’t we the only advanced civilized humans? Until now we still proudly think that we are the only civilized human being not only on this blue planet but also have not found life elsewhere in the galaxy! Maybe we’re wrong, on both counts! But if we are wrong, it is also a great joy, because it turns out that we - civilized humans, have never been alone in this long history and in this vast vast universe!

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